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What do you value?

  • Honesty
  • Industry specialist consultants
  • Excellent candidate match 
  • Flexible recruitment options
  • Extended guarantee periods
At Stenhouse Recruitment we are focused on how best we can support our clients to achieve their goals.  From flexible services offerings to end to end recruitment, the choice is yours!


Working with you exclusively, we are so sure we can find permanent staff that are committed for the long term that we offer ... 
6 month guarantee
Stenhouse Recruitment must be provided with the position to work on exclusively and the position must be placed during the period of exclusivity.  Full conditions are available in our Terms of Business.  Please contact your consultant for a copy or further details.

Recruitment Unbundled

With Stenhouse Recruitment you can choose the parts of the recruitment process you complete and those you outsource to us.  Choose from;
Advertisement writing
Confidential advertising
Resume Screening
Telephone Screening
On-Site interview assistance
Skills Assessment
Reference Checking
You are in control of the process and outsource the services that require expertise and time! 

Successful Outcomes = Elated Customers = Business Success

© All Rights Reserved

Stenhouse Recruitment Services 2019

Level 8, 97 Creek Street, Brisbane

07 3221 8444

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